Chrome 78

How to Activate The Password Safe Feature in Chrome 78?

The New Browser Chrome 78 is Here!

Reading Time ~ 9 minutes

If you noticed, your browser should already be updated to the brand new version of Chrome 78, which comes with bug fixes, security feature, faster operation, ticks the boxes when you move your mouse over tabs. There are also two fun features slightly “buried” in the new browser (for your desktop or laptop version) that require some digging to activate. Sounds interesting. Here they are:

How to Activate „Password Leak Detection“ Features in Chrome 78?

This feature, as its name implies, will let you know if there is any break in your Chrome data. Google will scan all usernames and passwords for the breach database. Yes, this information is hashed, so you just send the information to a Google server without worrying.

There is another option with Password Checkup extension, which offers password security and you can install it on your browser.


How „Password Checkup“ Helps You to Protect Your Accounts?

Процес за сигурност Chrome 78

Infographic: Google

Activation „Password Leak Detection“.

To enable “Password Leak Detection” in Chrome 78, first make sure you use Chrome 78. Click the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the browser, and find  “Help” and click “About Google Chrome”. Your browser will check if it is using the latest version; if not, automatically will  download it and prompt you to update.

Once done, paste this chrome://flags/#password-leak-detection link in your browser box and press Enter and activate the function.

Активация на password leak detection

How to Activate„Force Dark Mode“ in Your Browser  Chrome 78?

The Force Dark Mode feature of Chrome 78 lets you set the dark mode to your browser. Sometimes the whiteness and brightness of the pages fatigue our vision, other times we just want to test the visual part of our project against a dark background. In these situations, this function is useful. This is how it looks for Adscreamer digital studio:

Промяна на браузър chrome 78

Activation „Force Dark Mode“

It’s not WOW, but it might work for you if you don’t want to be surprised by bright websites.

To turn on “Dark Mode”, simply type chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark in your address bar, press Enter and turn on the feature.

Активиране на Force Dark Mode

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